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6 Points To Know Before Raising Hedgehogs

Hedgehog ownership may be a really gratifying and enjoyable experience. Even with the quills, they are adorable, cuddly, and quite distinctive.

We at Hedgy Life, are thrilled that hedgehogs are becoming more popular as pets as a result of this. Since you're seeking for something different, we genuinely believe that you should think about getting a hedgehog.

Before rushing out to get one, there are a few things you should be aware of.

Many individuals skip the crucial step of learning about the animal and selecting whether or not a pet hedgehog is good for them due to its cuteness and rising popularity. This results in them taking lousy care of their hedgehogs, buying from dubious breeders, and other problems.

To help you decide if a pet hedgehog is the best choice for you, we've put together this list of everything you need to know. You'll be aware of what to anticipate before raising hedgehogs after finishing this.


1. Do Hedgehogs Make Good Pets?

Let's first get things over with. Many people are unaware of whether or not hedgehogs make suitable pets because of their rarity.

Others think they're wonderful cuddling balls that require no work at all to raise, while others think they're really tough and high maintenance.

The truth is always someplace in the center. You're in for a surprise if you believe they're completely hands-off, but it doesn't take much more work than having a dog.

So, are hedgehogs suitable as pets? Absolutely!

If you know what they require and take good care of them, pet hedgehogs will thrive and be a lot of fun. Any tamed animal falls under this same category.

This does not necessarily imply that they make good pets for all people. Before you make the move, you should be aware of a number of lifestyle issues that could not work with your schedule.

Don't worry, at Hedgy Life, we go into more information about raising hedgehogs throughout the guide.

2. One Species Is Superior To All Others

On the world, there are seventeen distinct species of hedgehogs, but only one is suitable as a pet. The African pygmy hedgehog is that species.

These adorable hedgehogs are the sort you've probably seen online the most, particularly when looking at other people who keep them as pets.

Fortunately, you won't have to spend a lot of time explaining to breeders the kind you want. When you start looking, the African pygmy hedgehog is pretty much your only choice.

3. You must confirm that they are permitted where you live.

Baby Hedgehogs kept as pets are not always permitted, despite how absurd it may sound. Both the majority of American states and the majority of European nations permit them.

However, in other locations they are either completely prohibited or require a permission before being owned. It is believed that the possibility that hedgehogs may occasionally spread foot and mouth disease is where these laws got their start.

Before you start looking about and speaking to breeders, do your homework and familiarize yourself with the rules in your region. You can obtain a pet hedgehog if you aren't in one of the unfortunate places where they aren't allowed.

4. It Takes Some Practice to Handle Them.

Hedgehogs have quills, as you've presumably realized by this point. This enhances their distinctive and intriguing appearance, but it also makes handling them difficult for some new owners.

It will undoubtedly feel awkward to hold your hedgie if they are anxious or terrified. You'll need to exercise patience because this is more likely to happen when your pet hedgehog is still getting used to you and its surroundings.

It will grow simpler to pick them up and manage them as you two get to know one another better. This is partly because they'll become used to you and stop sticking out their quills as quickly. Additionally, you'll discover what they enjoy and dislike so you can more often maintain them at ease.

5. You'll Learn How To Interpret Their Moods.

Hedgehog Babies make excellent pets, and their emotions are far more nuanced than most people believe. They are far from being simple creatures, contrary to popular belief.

When it comes to their hedgies, new hedgehog owners will quickly learn that there is a lot of nuance they need to be aware of. In contrast to dogs, whose emotions are often easy to understand, you must examine much closer.

Your pet hedgehog's mood will be much simpler to interpret if you get used to recognizing the subtle cues and noises that they make. You'll be surprised by how talkative they can be, in fact.

You'll be able to take better care of one another and have more fun when this occurs. You'll be able to tell when they don't want to be bothered and when they want to be played with.

7. Feeding Them May Not Be As Hard As You Think

Feeding your pet hedgehog won't often need a lot of extra time or mental effort. They require quite little upkeep, as we already said.

Many owners feed their hedgehogs dry and wet cat food because it has the essential nutrients they require. And compared to hedgehog food, it's simpler to find at your neighborhood pet store.

When it comes to the extras like snacks, their diet may become a little more challenging. We're referring to things like fruits, veggies, insects, etc. These extra items will assist hedgehogs, which like munching, have a balanced diet that will keep them happy and healthy.

You should also be mindful of the possibility of your hedgehog becoming obese. If you're not cautious, they'll put on weight since they LOVE to eat.

Another frequent cause of this is that feeding them is so entertaining and wonderful to witness. You must control yourself just as well as your hedgie!

We hope that our guide on keeping pet hedgehogs will give you a better idea of what it's like to keep one at home and nurture it. They're quite interesting, cute, and a lot of fun.

Want to learn more about raising hedgehogs? Visit us at Hedgy Life!

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